
Innovations to address emerging contaminants in waste water (this session is powered by STOWA)

Chair: dr. Amanda Larasati, Wetsus

European Water Technolgy Week 2024! The directive of, and treatment methods for, PFAS, pharmaceuticals, and other emerging contaminants in our wastewaters – learn all ins and outs in session 2.1. Waterboards and other professionals will know all too well that a new EU directive on micropollutants in wastewater effluent is coming up. What do the new regulations say, what does that mean in practice, and how do we deal with novel entities. Don’t miss the recent findings on novel adsorbents, BODAC, and plasma vortexing that make promising solutions for contaminants removal.

  • Emerging micropollutants in municipal wastewater: occurrence and treatment options, dr. ir. Roberta Hofman, KWR/Hogeschool Utrecht

  • Unlocking the potential of Biological Oxygen Dosed Activated Carbon (BODAC) filters to remove micro-pollutants, Astrid Mous MSc, WLN and dr. Amanda Larasati, Wetsus

  • Innovative DEXSORB®-filter effective for organic micro-pollutant & PFAS removal from wastewater effluent, Jaïr Dan MSc, Witteveen+Bos