New Entrepreneurship for Knowledge Valorization

09.30 – 10.00

Welcome, coffee/tea

10.00 – 12.00

Plenary session

Chair: Johannes Boonstra, Wetsus Executive Board

  • Keynote: dr. Michiel Scheffer, President of the Board of the European Innovation Council
  • Keynote: dr. Chen Ning, Vice President of Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute (JITRI)
  • How Horizon Europe cofounded partnerships can support Entrepreneurship: the Water4All partnership actions and ambitions, Ariane Blum MSc, CEO Water4All
  • Keynote: The Dynamics of Water Innovation – A Guide to Water Technology Commercialization, dr. Paul O’Callaghan, Founder and CEO of BlueTech Research

12.00 -14.00

Lunch, visit demonstration floor and matchmaking

14.00 – 16.30

Plenary session

Chair: Hein Molenkamp, Managing Director Water Alliance

  • Presentations by recipients of EIC Accelerator grants. The EIC Accelerator offers grants to startups and SMEs with innovative products or business models poised to disrupt markets globally. It targets those with a strong ambition to scale up and in need of significant funding due to high risks for private investors.
  1. Plant-E, Marjolein Helder MSc  2. AquaBattery, dr. Jiajun Cen 3. SusPhos, dr. Marissa de Boer 4. Chaincraft, Niels van Stralen
  • Keynote: Water technology, essential for future growth, Anne-Marie Spierings, Chair of the Supervisory Board Water Technology Growth Plan
  • International clusters on accelerating growth in water tech

In this international cluster session, we aim to explore ways for global expansion by forging connections with esteemed water clusters. Our discussions will span from fostering entrepreneurship to catalyzing exports through the utilization of both National and EU programs. Hein Molenkamp, managing director of Water Alliance, will explore this with amongst others:

  • Bryan Stubbs MBA, President and Executive Director, Cleveland Water Alliance, USA
  • Tom Williams, CEO Enebio and Non Executive Director British Water, UK
  • Mr Jonathan Loh, Senior Assistant Director, PUB Singapore’s National Water Agency

16.30 – 18.00

Drinks and visit exhibition floor

Congress dinner (By invitation and pre-registration only)