

Accelerating Talent, Technology, and International Business

09.30 – 10.00

Welcome, coffee/tea

10.00 -11.00

Plenary session

Chair: Rogier Elshout

  • Introduction keynote, Pieter Hoekstra, Program Manager CIV Water
  • Creating an innovation ecosystem to tackle challenges in water, marine and maritime sectors – the European Institute of Innovation and Technology model, Luca Perego, Head of Unit DG for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture

  • Boosting  the quality and image of VET in the EU, through developing the concept of the Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs), João Santos, Expert in Education & Training and founder of the Erasmus+ Cove Program

  • Developing vocational excellence in cooperation with the work field: The role of regional VET providers in the technical sector, Carlo Segers, Member of the board of directors of Firda

11.00 – 12.30

Parallel sessions

3.1 Building Bridges: The impact of policy advisors on integrating VET education and industry for innovation

3.2 The Industrial Water Challenge and how to solve it

3.3. Will you be the next startup/ scale-up that finds an investor?

3.4 Water technology initiatives in the (agri)food and horticulture sector

3.5 Value creation through circular water systems

3.6 How WaterCampus Leeuwarden empowers Excellence in talent

3.7 Output of the WaterCampus Model for Academia and Business Cooperation since 2020

12.30 – 14.00

Lunch, visit demonstration floor and matchmaking

14.00 – 15.30

Plenary session
Chair: Hein Molenkamp

  • Grand finale of the Water Alliance Innovation & Stimulation (WIS) Award 2024
    The WIS Award is what the Oscar is to Hollywood. Once every two years the best of the best from the Dutch water sector have an opportunity to compete against each other. Competing against the best is no small thing, it requires perseverance and determination. The WIS Award is the innovation prize that the Water Alliance presents annually to a company with a remarkable water innovation. Linked to the award is marketing support worth 10,000 euros.

    Meet the 7 contestants
    1. Spatial Insight: ‘The unique alternative for labor and cost intensive pipe design: SI-Design software. Faster, better and cheaper than human experts’.
    Pitcher: Ignaz Worm
    2. SOLiSENZ: ‘Optimization of sludge treatment through revolutionary sensor systems‘.
    Pitcher: Ewout Riteco
    3. Next Sensiblue BV: ‘Sensiblue: We clean it, you drink it’.
    Pitcher: Wirijn Tholen
    4. REDstack: ‘Electro Membrane Stacks by REDstack: The platform technology for sustainable resource recovery’.
    Pitcher: Hendrik Swart
    5. TORWASH: ´TORWASH turns your wastewater treatment plant sludge-free‘.
    Pitcher: Levien de Legé
    6. BubbleFlush: ‘Cleans your toilet with just the power of water‘.
    Pitcher: Dennis Luiten
    7. Holland Sensor: ‘Introducing the Mizu Sensor: A unique, cloud-integrated sensor that measures heavy metals in water with diamond-sharp precision’.
    Pitcher: Leo de Zeeuw

  • Keynote: Meike van Ginneken, Water Envoy for the Kingdom of The Netherlands
  • Announcement WIS Winner 2024

15.45 – 17.00

Parallel sessions

4.1 Lifelong Learning Tailor-Made: Empowering Individuals with Microcredentials

4.2. AI as a marketing catalyst in Water Tech

4.3 Project and export financing cases for international water projects with WTEX10, Invest International and Atradius

4.4. Reduction of potable and groundwater intake for the Food & Beverage industry

4.5. How Artificial Intelligence is shaping the future of water infrastructure

4.6. Growth Plan Water Technology: what will it bring to you?

4.7. Accelerating business by cluster collaboration

17.00 – 18.00
