
Output of the WaterCampus Model for Academia and Business Cooperation since 2020

Chair: Johannes Boonstra, Executive Board Member Wetsus

At WaterCampus Leeuwarden (inter)national businesses, knowledge institutes and governments work side by side to create synergy for world class innovation, education and entrepreneurship in the field of water technology. WaterCampus is powered and facilitated by a.o. Wetsus, Water Alliance, CEW and CIV Water. In this session the unique WaterCampus model for innovation and education is explained and examples of its outcome are presented.

  • Introduction WaterCampus Leeuwarden and overview of joint results, Johannes Boonstra
  • Results and outlook Wetsus, dr.ir. Roel Meulepas, director Europe Wetsus
  • Results and outlook Centre of Expertise Water technology, Jeroen Rijnhart, managing director CEW
  • Results and outlook Water Alliance, Hein Molenkamp, managing director Water Alliance
  • How WaterCampus has facilitated DeSaH from start-up to exporting company, dr.ir. Sybrand Metz, technical director DeSaH