
Will you be the next startup/ scale-up that finds an investor?

Chair: Albert Bosma, Controller Wetsus and Ronald Wielinga, Manager Entrepreneurship Water Alliance & WaterCampus

Funding is essential to build a business or launch an innovation. Most start-ups and scale-ups do not have the financial means to make these investments themselves. Result: in the best case the company’s growth is limited and in the worst case the company goes bankrupt.

The startup/scale-up team faces the challenge of finding a reliable investor who offers real added value for the company. And a challenge it is. It is extremely difficult to know who to turn to when you are a start-up or scale-up company. It takes months and sometimes years and a lot of coffee before you find the best investor for your company, if you are one of the lucky few to find the investor.

We offer you a solution for this challenge. At the Finance Table Water Technology we bring together entrepreneurs and investors, in order to bring more clarity in the diverse offering of financing possibilities. Matchmaking 2.0 we call it. Since the start over 60 water technology investors joint the initiative. During the EWTW we will give startups and scale-ups the possibility to pitch their company for a delegation of the Finance Table Water Technology. Will you be the next startup/ scale-up that finds his investor?
